CFI Health Survey

Health Survey

April 2009

A group of students from Omayal Aachi College stayed for one week and conducted a health survey covering almost 4,000 villagers from Irumbanthangal, Chinnaelpakkam, Vainniyanthangal, Tumbai, Mangalam, Pallimetu Nagar, Pandiayampakkam, Kiliyathur, Vadaelapakkam and Palli villages in Kancheepuram District.

The Survey covered over 956 families.

The objective of the survey was to find out:

  • What are the Chest related diseases prevalent
  • What are the problems the villagers face
  • Where do they go for treatment and why
  • What are the financial constraints
  • What are the sources of medical care available

A database was created for the villagers surveyed with information about age, sex, marital status, habits (smoking, chewing tobacco etc.), place of employment, working hours, surrounding area (dust allergies etc.), family details and history of ailments.